Wednesday 22 January 2014

The end can be the means to a beginning

Each of us are given this slot in life.  What we choose to do with it is com-PLE-tly up to us.  

I can’t say I believe in chance meetings, things in life fall into place and happen for a reason. Lessons mostly.  WE all need to learn what we take from each experience.  

Regardless of how the experience ends, don’t be angry, hurt or sad.  Keep it close to you and be glad it happened.  Perhaps right now in this moment it hurts too much to say it’s okay, too much to say you were happy it was with your life this was shared.  

The ends to everything can hurt but the ends are the means to a beginning.  Each turn, each step you take is away from your fear but towards something fantastic.  

Live life.  That’s what we have it for.  Open your eyes, stretch your arms and open yourself up.  Use words, your mind, your soul, your heart.. any part of you to live it.  Don’t be afraid to tell someone you love them.  Know it’s okay to feel your emotions and laugh.  

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