Monday 6 January 2014

The difference between 1000 words and priceless

Quite some time ago, my younger son was discussing habits with me.  Smoking, drinking, ectra.  You get the picture.  He started to ask me why someone could be so 'ignorant'.  

I had to think about this one before responding as I wanted to shape this one in what I feel was in the right direction.  At least what I feel is the right direction.

I told my son this;

"babe, that person who is smoking a cigarette isn't bad, it's just a poor choice for them.  The person who has one too many drinks, doesn't make them stupid.  We don't know why we choose to do something but it doesn't make us less of a person.  There were several times in my life that if I choose to judge a person based on their choices (good or bad) that I would never have gotten the opportunity to know who they are".

My parents both enjoy a drink from time to time and both still smoke and I love them no less.   Not the choice I want for my children but I do my best to lead by example and give them the tools to work with.  

Before you go out tomorrow feeling great about yourself (which you should), don't hold bias on someone based on what you see.  I know a picture is worth a thousand words but knowledge is priceless.

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