Sunday 5 January 2014

Spilt milk

Making decisions based on emotions can be both easy and difficult.  

I love the children I have in my life but don't think for a moment that any of my parenting hasn't been based on my emotions at the time.  I've regretted some of the choices however right after them (if I felt they were wrong), I've admitted it to my children and apologized.  

Not because I am weaker, not due to being smaller but do to the fact that I want my children how to accept an apology and how to admit when they are wrong.  

We can be quick to react to emotions.  The milk spills on the table, leaking onto the rug making what you feel is a quick snack into a time consuming moment where you don't feel you have any to spare.  You yell saying things like; "how could you be so clumsy"?  and then you see it.  The look on their face of let down.  The last thing a child wants is to upset their parents.  

Instead of letting that emotion get ahold of you in the moment, use it as an opportunity.  Hand your child a cloth and have them help out.  There are several thing things they learn from this.

a.) how to react to spilt milk (yes, that was a bit of a funny)
b.) how to treat others when a mistake has happened
c.) how to fix a problem

Before you know it, you have a child learning responsibility, respect and problem solving skills that no school or book can. 

Bravo to you!  

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