Tuesday 7 January 2014

Connecting the dots

Each time I write, I leave the title to the end.  I don't know where my fingers take me across the key board, my thoughts wandering into the days activities or something that's triggered a memory or feeling.  

I've been lucky in life to be part of things, see & feel.  I may have grown up in a life without.... whatever it was I missed.  The facts are, I grew up surrounded by siblings which at times we fought but I knew they were there for me and loved me.  Mum, regardless of our circumstance  ensured we had a roof over our heads, food in our bellys and clothing on our backs.  Even if they were hand me downs.  Sure I wanted something more but did I know what exactly it was? 

I searched for something more through church at the age of 16, rebelling against my mum.  I had my first child at 18 and was determined to be a good parent.  It didn't take me long to figure out how tough it was.  Through the journey, I discovered what I was looking for was always around me.  Trust, faith & believing in myself first.

Funny how I discovered this years later.  I guess looking back you connect the dots, why things happen to us.  As painful as losing someone is, I try to remember why they were in my life.  As heartbreaking it is to walk away from someone you love, the experience is worth the time spent.  Sometimes, life hands us a bag of rocks.  It's up to us how to use them.  We can toss them back into the ground and forget they existed or... we can take those rocks, work hard polishing them, make them shine and display them with pride.  

It's up to us what we do with the life we have.  Trust, have faith and believe in yourself.  

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