Saturday 4 January 2014

Changing your philosophy

I've been struggling with how encouragement is given.  By employers, parents, whomever.  

While in the local grocery store I was chatting with a complete stranger on how to purchase a type of vegetable.  They gave me useful tips on what to look for and they encouraged me to try a dish i've never done before.  I actually walked out of the store feeling happy.  

Then it got me wondering.  What if we did those types of things on a daily basis.  What if instead of becoming a random act of kindness, they were every day events?

Where to start?  Who do we start with?  Our children is my first thought but then I wonder if this is something that can be done wherever we are, with whomever we are around?  

Here's your challenge.  Wherever you work, start a trend.  Take the lead and go talk to your boss.  DON'T be afraid!  (Remember, when you walk into their office they, more than likely walk around in their underwear at home as well).  That should set your mood.  

Tell them (don't ask) that you want to start a group of people that give back, perhaps weekly or just monthly.  Ask if you can send out a memo or put up a poster asking if others want to join in and plan a meeting.  Then brain storm.  Get ideas together, work as a team and feed the need to want to give back.  You are NOT the only one out there but you are the one who will start this.

If you are in school, do the same thing.  Talk to the head of the school, take the lead and watch it snowball.  Trust me, it will and the rewards are amazing.  YOU start to feel fantastic, you return to work with a drive, head to school with reason and before you know it, you've put smiles on others faces too.

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