Saturday 11 January 2014

Be proud

The emotional or mental qualities necessary in dealing with situations or events that are distressing or difficult.

Fortitude, resilience, spirit, backbone, strength of character; Morecourage, bravery, pluck, pluckiness, courageousness, grit, mettle; 
informalguts, spunk 
"her great inner strength"
As a parent, I try to guide my children in a direction that I feel is right.  To others, it may not be but it's how I parent and I am okay with this.  The rest in life should be the same.  

Why do we worry about what others think?  If your conviction is strong with one decision, why not the rest?  

I have let others opinions sway me, create doubt and have me question my actions in the past.

How do you let others words sway you?  Do you respond quickly instead of asking them to let you think about it?  Regardless of where you are and what you do in life, think about your reaction.  Not so much in fear of what others think but use it as a learning tool.  Just taking a moment to respond and clarify your answer could be the best thing you can do for yourself.  

Remember, you live once.  Be honest with yourself, hold your belief's close and it's okay to change and evolve into someone you can be proud of.  

Don't let the noise of others drown out your own inner voice.  Most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.  They somehow already know what you truly want to become.  Everything else is secondary.

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