Thursday 2 January 2014

Changing from the cloud to the sun

Some day's I find it difficult to get up, open those eyes and shake that 'feeling' off my shoulders that something is going to happen.  Ug.  You know it.  We all know it.  

Then I stumble down the stairs to let the pup out, crawl back up and brew a cup of java.  Curl up on the big chair and turn the TV on.  

Slowly, my brain starts to function and the last of yesterday's news and this morning's forecast comes on.  I start to see things that have transpired while my head rested on a pillow beneath layers of blankets in a warm house after a productive day at work.

They show others struggling to find exactly what I just left.  A warm bed, safety and a job.  I sigh again.  I am and will be okay.  I can't help but feel fortunate for every moment, awake and asleep.  Even if I'm not feeling that well I still have fortune and I can't deny that.  Not financial but it's a fortune that no one can put value on.  

So that day when you have a dark cloud above you, that feeling you can't shake.  Stop and remember what you value and see how it puts fortune in your life.  

By the way, I didn't forget about Abby my pup.  She was back in with me laying at my feet.  

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