Wednesday 1 January 2014

What will you do?

After I had my morning coffee, I had to peek on some of the social media sites.  Most of us are wishing the best for 2014.  Bigger, better and more.  

A good thing is to set some goals and expect something fantastic.  I'd like to let you know my thoughts for the upcoming year.

To put myself first so that I can start giving back more.  
To learn more so that I can teach my children better.  
To see great results from my efforts ~ the more I put in, the more will return.
To start making choices so that later in life, others can say they choose them too.  
To accept what is around me for face value and not to control it.  In other words, let the chips fall where they may.  
To remember we are all human and make mistakes.
To move forward instead of falling back.

I don't think winning a lottery would make me happier, or healthier.  It doesn't bring back those we've lost this past year, it will not change the past.  

I challenge you to start something up and post it here.  Show me that you have what it takes to give back, learn and lead by example.  It's not about what others think, it's about how you feel.

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