Thursday 5 January 2012

What makes us

I was 5 years old.  Due to a large family, my mother helping out emergency foster children and only 1 income we had to learn how to work within our means.

I was always given my older brothers clothing.  I distinctly remember these brown, plaid bellbottoms.  I couldn't stand them.  I would cut them, mum would sew them.  I would toss them in the garbage, mum would find them.... so on and so forth.  I had 1 pair of shoes.  We wore them to church, school or the grocery store.  Other than that, I was bare foot and didn't even notice.

I would always play along the curb with the pebbles.  A lady came up to me and asked me where my shoes were.  I simply told the truth.  She asked me if I wanted another pair and like any 5 year old girl, I gladly accepted.  We hit Londonderry shopping mall.  I was in my glory.  She bought me 1 pair of runners, I pair of dress shoes and 1 pair of sandals.  She brought me home safe and sound.  I thanked her and ran into the house with my new purchases.  As you could guess, my mothers jaw hit the floor and I was scolded for going with a stranger.  She asked me where the woman was and I took her outside.  The woman was gone never to be seen again.

I've been blessed with people in my life who have taught me the gift of giving back.  I suppose that's why I've always wanted a job doing such a thing.

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