Thursday 5 January 2012

Trying to heal

Well, this is it.  I've keep thinking "i've had it".  It's been a tough year in our home.  Well, perhaps not so tough, just full of challenges.  I was laid off in April, my Grandfather passed away and my husband was let go from his job.  That's all down hill things.... uphill?  Well, I was hired doing something I've wanted to do for ages.  Help others out. I try to be a positive person.  I laugh at stupid things, I enjoy making others laugh at stupid things and I wake up each day thankful for something to look forward to.  Even if it's just waking up.

I have 2 very wonderful boys.  All I have to do is think about where I've come from, who I could have chosen to be and where I am now.

Coming from a diverse family and when I say that, I truly believe that our's defines exactly diversity.  I have 5 brothers, 1 sister.  My 2 oldest brothers are from my Father's first marriage.  You can guess, one way or another it didn't end well.  He met my mother when she had 2 boys... my 2nd older brothers.  That's where I fit in.  I have one younger brother and then my sister.  She was adopted when I was 5.  That's about when I start to remember my life beginning.

I came home from playing at a neighbors house and she was glued to my mom's side.  They were making Jello.  My sister LOVED Jello.  My 2 oldest brothers were so much older than me that I never grew up with them.  Loved them dearly and they would protect me as if I were their own.

My second older brothers had it rougher.  Before my dad was in the picture, they had no solid father figure.  At least not one other than my mother.  She did it all for us.  She not only raised and cared for us, she took in emergency foster children for 10 years.  That's where my sister came into the picture.  Or I should say "how".  I don't know the true circumstances of why but she helped shape the woman I am today.  My younger brother was and still is one amazing human.

That's it for my close brothers and sisters.  Although we all may be 1/2 in blood or not, we are a family.  I truly pray it stays that way.  I miss the days growing up, being a child and wishing time wouldn't end.

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