Wednesday 6 May 2020

Gains and losses

It has been a few years since I’ve written here and what a ride it has been thus far.

I use to think life couldn’t become any more and here I am.  My 2 boys grown up with their wings spread, flying on their own. My life, turning and developing tremendously.

In 2018, life presented itself with opportunities of growth, which is why I stepped back and thought creating a new life in non profit was the direction to go in.  After all, my heart is complete when in the service of others. A gift granted to me from my grandmother.  I quickly found out over the following years, giving back had more to do with my life rather than trying to do it while trying to make a living.  Sometimes, doing both doesn’t work out.

2019 came with further challenges with losing one of my older brothers and dad.  Both men had a world of impact on me, more so now that they are no longer physically here.  Each day, I count my blessings of the time given, the lessons taught and the opportunity to keep their lives going through my actions.

I am not one to sugar coat it but will tell it honestly and fearlessly.

To my darlings, with whom I have given my life, my boys who own my heart.  I will always be your mum.  You will have gains in life and some won’t come easy.  Do them with courage and pride.

Promise yourself that when you lay your head down at night, rest it in good conscience.  Believe that every thing you’ve done was with the best of intention and no matter how far you may fall, you can always try again tomorrow.

Your losses, at times will feel as though the weight is unbearable but know, I will always be there to help carry some of the weight even if I’m not beside you.  Know that it is okay to be sad, it is okay to worry but always know, it will pass.

I’ve seen you take your first breath, your first step.  Hear you speak your first words and seen you taste the fruits of your hard labour.

Watch out for pebbles that will help you build your path, listen to your gut and do something amazing that surprises yourself.  Be brave and have faith.

Love always,

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