Friday 8 June 2018

To live simply..

As time goes by in life, I learn a lot about myself, others and.. adaptation.  

(Ad.ap.ta.tion -The action or process of adapting or being adapted.)

I'd like to say that it's been easy but that wouldn't be the truth.  

The truth is, somedays are more difficult than others.  There are days that I internally fall to my knees and sob uncontrollability, with more questions than I have answers.  I want to withdraw, become one and try to reconcile what tosses within my head and heart.   

I cannot tell you that life isn't worth living if we don't have these moments.  It is from those, we can choose to learn, grow and become stronger 

or.. stay where we are.

I've chosen to live.  Not just simply though.  I've chosen to be happy with who I've become, with the choices I've made and I can look back at the almost 50 years and know, I am not perfect but I am perfectly me.  I don't know everything, which is why I choose to live.  I want to know more, learn more and become more.  

Life will suck some days.  Today however, I will make the best of what has been thrown at me and be grateful for the good, positive loving moments I am blessed with.

There are two guarantees you will learn.. 

Life happens, death happens.  What you do between those moments are in your control.  

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