Monday 9 July 2018

From the ashes

Often, we may curse our failures or the moments in our lives that have hurt us the most.  Many times, we give them power to tear us down further, bringing us to a point of anger, despair and grief.  Emotions that are not easily built from.  

Have you ever noticed, the people that choose to be happiest, may have been the ones that have fallen furthest?  Why is that?  They choose not to take the harmful emotions to walk on, but the emotions of gratitude and faith.  

We can shake our fists at the faith we live on or we can hold our hand out to the faith, trusting in what is in store for us.  

It's not easy, believe me.  Some of the hardest moments in my last few years have been exactly this.  Trusting what is in store and trying to life fully without the feelings of anger, despair or grief.  Still, I choose to live happy, even if at times, my faith has fallen.  

From the ashes, I will still rise.  Each moment, each step, each breath I take will bring me to somewhere I cannot imagine and I look forward to the journey, no matter the outcome.

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