Friday 9 February 2018

Challenge #5 - Explore and expose your emotions

I can't say that these challenges for you were something I've pre-planned but a process in which I am pulling from life, at times, in the moment.  Other times, from the past.  That being said, today's is pulled from a current moment.

I want you to open to someone about your emotions.  

The other day, while given a task I wanted to shrink into my turtle shell and leave it be.  Hoping the moment would pass.  In fact, there were several challenges I faced that day where I wanted to throw in the towel and crawl back home.  

I didn't.  

What I did do was open up to a complete stranger, letting them know I was feeling anxious.  They reached out to me and gave me the key to believe it would be okay.  In that moment, I saw compassion and empathy.  I wasn't looking for it but what did I have to lose?  I wanted them to know that due to the lack of control I was feeling, I wasn't as confident as I appeared.  I wanted them to know, that I too.. was human.  

Today, I want you to try and open up to your emotions, embrace them and if you dare, share them.  

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