Friday 18 August 2017

Wake up!

7 drafts and weeks later, I walk back to my computer with a simple thought.

I can't write about anything other than the positive and encouraging you to believe in yourself.

You are better than that.  

You read it.  

I just said, you are better than whatever you feel is bringing you down. 

You are smarter, in better shape, a kinder person and worth more than you know.

Stop letting your fear and doubts bring you to a place lower than you felt possible.  Start seeing what I see.  

What is it that I see?

I see a mentally strong, kind, loving, intelligent young person who wants to be more than what their parents said they could.  In fact, I see someone who wants to do better than their parents and you know what?  


I certainly want my boys to do more and better than myself or their father.  It's not just about academics or ownership but in life generally.  

Be wiser, be healthier, be kinder and believe, your worth is more than you will ever know.

Take your first step today to a positive life.  Live it and love it. 

Love always,


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