Monday 22 May 2017

Not your design

Like each of you, I wake throughout the night, thoughts racing through my head.  Mostly worry, of things that although the rational part of my brain understands, I cannot change at 2 am, it still swims with concern, "did I do all that I could have?" 

For instance, as a parent and going through this role a second time (the kids are 10 years apart) I know more now than I did the first go around. I know that each child is different but letting them learn, this is a key to acceptance and growth.

Your children were not a blessing to your life so that you could build them to be a reflection of you but, perhaps to teach you to expand and understand how different we all are and that we all come the same way, no matter our ethnicity or gender.

Now as an older, wiser parent (sitting with a slight sarcastic grin), I will not force my youngest into something or to become someone he isn't. I use to believe that kids were this blank sheet waiting for us to design.  Now I understand, our children are their own persons who we should nourish with an abundance of love and acceptance. I hope I've taught them good values, provided a strong morale compass and proven my unconditional love so that they know at anytime, during any situation, they can trust I'll be here with open arms, ready to love them unconditionally. 

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