Sunday 9 April 2017

What is it?

It is the sun, cresting on the horizon with the crisp morning air touching your lips and the breath of the person you share your life with while they sleep.  The sound that warms your soul when you feel lost, like a bird singing while they swoop through the trees, feeling the wind through their wings, giving them freedom.  

It is the moment you see a child laugh, with abandon.

The feeling a woman gets when she reflects at herself after years.  Seeing scars & marks, knowing they were from the love of childbirth and the years of laughter given that followed.  

It is the man who has sacrificed hours to help provide a safe home and given unconditionally through sleepless nights and lost moments.  

It is patient and kind, it does not envy, boast or is proud.  It will not dishonour another nor will it self seek.  It does not have anger or keeps record of any wrong doings.  

It will always protect, always trust, always hope and preserve.  

It .. will never fail.

What is it? 

When you see moments of hatred, anger and disrespect help stop it by creating moments of kindness, respect and patience.  Lead by example, so that change happens.  

Be the change you wish to see.

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