Sunday 1 May 2016

Let me be the whisper

In the fullness of time, you will become one too.

Today's doubts, hinder your growth.  Your fears feed the doubts.  They compound and you toss aside the goals, the objectives and ultimately your happiness. 

Let me be your whisper.

Let me tell you it's going to be okay.  The window can remain open while you repair the damage caused by the storm.  You want it open for the air.  To breathe, to acknowledge there is more out side your life than you are even slightly inclined to open your eyes to.  

Let those fears and doubts go, by creating a healthier space in your head where not a soul can touch.  A place where no tears fall, no anger resides, no one walks in the dark alone.

You'll have to face those fears and doubts daily but slaughter them with the mightiest of swords, "strength".  

Inside you, it lives also.  Strength is hidden behind a rock, whispering to you, "you can" quietly.  It comes in moments when you least expect it.  

The first time, your doubt will tell you to ignore it.  A few times later, your gut will remind you that this isn't something that you can't put away.  Strength will return, each time with a vengeance, pushing you to the window, to breath, to look, to grasp at what you didn't see before.  

Strength will soon be accompanied by courage.  Together, they will put out the flame set by doubt and fear.  Together, their whisper will become a roar.  

Let me be the whisper.

Strength and courage will calm the storm.  They will let you follow your gut, they will be the greatness in your steps towards the window.  Together, the whispers will encourage you to open the curtains and look outside with eyes wide open.  

Each of us needs to conquer our fears and doubts.  It's a start line each of us have to discover at our own time.  Regardless of what the fears and doubts are about, we all have a battle inside, one that we all own and one that we all need to defeat ourselves.  

Never devalue the person making an effort to make a positive change in their lives.  No matter the length of time it takes them, they are on their own journey.  Just help them by being a whisper for them too.  

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