Thursday 14 April 2016

Welcome your imperfections while finding yourself

When we are a young soul, the lessons taught to us from every aspect is to be perfect and accept nothing less from anyone else. 

From our family, all aspects of media and of course our peers.  

Just look around you.  The standards are so high that we feel they are the norm.  A girl should have a size 4 waist, long hair, educated, willing to sacrifice almost everything to obtain a family and a home well worth more than what we could imagine.  Start with that dream wedding you had as a young girl.  Come on, let's get real.  A dress you wear for one day, that will, more than likely put you over the thousands in debt yet it's stressed that this item is a must.  

I shake my head.

Then for the men.  You are expected to provide for a partner, your children while trying to live a life with a smile of perfection.  A house, car, memberships... UG, this drives me crazy! 

Why is it that we MUST put labels on things, create a life of unhappiness that stems from society's expectations.  Where did this start and where will it end?  Happiness isn't created from Hallmark but from the moment you let go of the value in "things" and place value in people around you, of course the most wanted commodity, time.  The one thing that cannot be bought, replaced or stolen.  It's something that is given away, at most times, freely.  

So where do I go from here in regards to finding imperfections and yourself?  

Stop judging and stop worrying about being judged.  Take a step back and look at what's really important.  What can you take to your grave, what will be your legacy?  

The only person you need to impress in life is yourself.  You have to wake up each and every single morning, look in the mirror and face what you've done the day before.  Face where life is going and where you want it to be years from now.  

Stop expecting perfection, from yourself and others.  Start accepting your imperfections, live life to it's fullest and find yourself.  That is when happiness truly begins.

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