Saturday 26 December 2015

How you can try to avoid misunderstandings

" I "

Use it a lot.  

" I feel "  

Explain how you feel without making the one hearing you, hurt.  When you state " I feel " you are not pointing fingers, you are owning how you feel.  

Communication is key to any relationship.  With your kids, family and friends.  I was in a relationship for just over 20 years.  Communication break down is one of the key factors that broke us.  

Trying to start living life again is one of the hardest things I've encountered and although " I feel " the need to share my life, I know that opening up again and listening to others will be the key in being successful with all aspects in any relationships going forward.  This is paramount in parenting, which is my #1 priority.  

I want to live the life that will reflect something positive and help my children develop into someone better than me so I am internally building my core values and beliefs.  

This will be the first step in my personal communications manual.  

Step 1 - Listen, with the intent to listen, not to speak
Step 2 - Open your mind without preconceived ideas
Step 3 - Ask a lot of questions 
Step 4 - Never assume
Step 5 - Be present, in the moment
Step 6 - Be honest with yourself and the other person

What do I know.  I'm not a psychologist or a councillor.  I am human just like you and with the experiences I've had I learn.  

No one else is in your head.  No one can understand your thought process so open up and be honest.  Your idea of communication is different from others.  

If you don't listen, open up, ask, stop assuming are not in the moment and not honest, then you've forgotten what you need to do to move forward.  Of course, this is my opinion.  

Most importantly, don't build walls.  If you tell others to live life, you need to do the same.  

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