Thursday 24 December 2015

Falling isn't the hardest part

I wrote this earlier with pen and paper.  Getting back to a good book always feels organic.  

I can't say all my experiences have been rosey but the best parts of my life have been from heart breaks.

I know some people reading this may shake their heads but let me explain.  

When you learn to walk, you will fall.  It will hurt.  You may get scarred.  

In the innocence of learning, the eagerness of trying you will get hurt.  

Fast forward to now.  With anything in life, you need to try.  Throw caution to the wind. 

I can't promise that it won't be hard.  I won't lie and say sometimes it's going to hurt but I will promise to you that it will get easier.  You will discover strength in places you never thought possible.  

Remember as quickly as you start, you will recover.  

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