Monday 22 June 2015

Your saving graces

Each moment in your life, you'll have a saving grace.  You may not know when one will appear or what will happen, but after the moment passes, it will be as clear as the bluest sky above the trees, beyond the clouds.  

My saving graces have been making their appearances more often than I've ever anticipated, when needed.  They've put a smile on my face, confidence back in my step and mostly, loved me for who I am.  

Sometimes in our lives, we lose touch with what is important.  Sometimes, ourselves.  

How does one gain a saving grace?  Simply put, be one.  Smile at a friend, hold one when they need it, reassure them it will be okay.  No saving grace will ever ask for a thing in return but they will put life on hold for a moment to make sure you'll be okay.  

Saving graces are around us every day.  

So you are sitting here, reading away wondering what exactly is a saving grace?  

A person, a letter, a book, a gesture or a moment.  

You'll be in a place with your life, wondering how you might make it to the next and something will happen where you'll know it's going to be okay.  Trust in how things go.  When you start to do this, you'll gain strength, personal belief and your endurance will get a tiny bit further.  

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