Saturday 21 February 2015

Stop teaching others to follow a leader, teach how to be a leader

I love reading others comments, posts and tweets about how to inspire, what others have done and where change is needed.  I’ll join the next cheer team, as long as I believe in the cause.  I want my children to be and do the same.  I can’t force them, they have to want it.

Let me begin with the simple fact that you may already know.  My boys are my life.  Every moment they live, I live more.  My greatest joys in life have been through their experiences, their life, their victories.  

I do want to be an example so I do my best to show that what they can become, is bigger than they know. If you are a parent, you know very well that you cannot force a child to become something they don’t want.  They have to want it.  

So, each day I talk to my youngest about opportunities and how.  (I use to do the same with Michael my oldest but he’s moved out so the opportunity isn’t the same but I still sneak it in when I can - insert soft smile)  

Last week, my youngest was talking about youtube video on some celebrities doing something that made him laugh.  I mean, gut busting laugh.  He showed me and to my surprise, I laughed as much.  

We talked about how this action could be used to benefit others.  He started to ask me questions about doing an event, it went to doing a fundraiser, then he started to brain storm with me.  What an amazing moment we had!  It escalated into him asking me the how’s, who’s and what’s.  I spoke to him about awareness, objectives and goals.  Without him knowing, he just planned a fundraising event in my car within 20 minutes.  

I laughed, not at him but at his ability to put it together.  He was excited and ... I hope this comes to fruition.  

Well, you’ll see.  I don’t want to spoil anything.

All I have to say to those other inspiring folks out there... 

Don’t follow the leader, be the leader!

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