Monday 15 December 2014

Tell me, first and foremost what did you nail?

Sometimes, I feel defeated by simple words that are spoken.  Words, perhaps that are not meant to be said in spite, none the less they deflate the air I breathe and take away a bit of ambition that drives my happiness. 

I am not innocent of ill spoken words, nor am I clear of wrong doing myself.  However, the more life passes by, the more I learn to hold my tongue and feel the words that go through my mind before they pass my lips.  

Although gratitude is a way of life, when I lose that breath of air, the one that inflates my passions I tend to reflect on the biggest project that my life has been part of.  My children.  There is nothing in this world, at this moment that can take away the feeling of pride I carry, the knowledge that each choice I made was the right one.  There isn’t a thing in this world that could refute the simple fact that I nailed it.  

My older son, arrived when I was a young lady of 18 years.  I was determined to do it right.  I’ll admit, I fell a few times on mistakes but all in all, success shows it’s face now, 24 years later as he is discovering his life and living it. Then my younger son, whom I’ve always considered my second chance in so many ways.  I am not holding him back with my fears, rather engaging him with challenges that may have held me back earlier in life.

Sure, I’ll go to work and have a few words spoken to me that, may or may not have been intentional.  I am not the president of a company nor am I the Queen of England.  I am and will always be first, a mum.  

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