Wednesday 24 December 2014

Casting stones to create change

It's been a bit since I've written. Partly due to the schedule given to me by my youngest returning to hockey from a broken ankle. The other reason was the task I've taken on that is complete as of today. 

2 months ago, my son slipped and fell hard into the boards during a hockey game warm up. Now, he's not one to "cry wolf", never complains or stays down when he does fall. This time, he stayed down, he bellowed in pain while banging his hockey stick in frustration. I jumped up knowing this wasn't good. A hockey's parents fear came to fruition. 

Rushing him to the children's hospital, he kept talking himself down from the pain saying "there's got to be worse pain than this".  I keep asking him to hold on, he starts going into shock, shaking uncontrollably. Eventually, we arrive at the hospital confirming a break and surgery. The next few days are a blur and he is sent home with some new appliances which include 5 screws, a plate, a cast and a set of crutches. 

During the passing 8 weeks of healing, I discover something about my son that perhaps deep down I already knew. He would insist attending almost every game, almost every practise. Taking notes on what the team is working on, notes on other players from opposing teams and watching inspirational videos. 

What?  Inspirational videos?  

He started to come to me with quotes. Then a few videos he would tell me I had to see. My heart felt as though it was going to burst within the walls of my chest.  The biggest part of it was when he told me he wanted to share some of what he was learning with his team mates. A few games later, some time to practise and a deep breath, he gave an encouraging talk. I wasn't in the room that was filled with some 14 & 15 year old boys but I know he did as good as he wanted. 

So, I sit here curled up on a chair, writing to you, that no amount of anger from anyone could damper this feeling of joy that my heart holds. I can't take all the credit for an independent 14 year old young man but a small part of the guidance perhaps. I can say that the one thing I try not to do as a parent is to not clip his wings. 

The second part to my lapse in writing was a random act of kindness challenge. I was seeing all these different types of advent calendars. Now, I do "RAK's" often but don't think of them as out of my normal. I encourage RAK week in February but other than that, they are kept to myself. 

After watching the news though, I figured it was time to try and bring it to the forefront for 24 days. The days that lead up to our biggest holiday. One that should celebrate those closest to us.  The journey taught me many things but mostly, how much some of us aren't aware of the positive within reach. 

Both of the above things I spoke to you about circle around the feeling of gratitude. Being positive in any situation no matter the size. 

So, over your holidays, celebrate your life for today and this moment. You only have it now and you'll never get it back. Create your positive, live your feeling of greatness. 

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