Wednesday 12 November 2014

You’re going somewhere

The day I knew life was changing was the birth of my first son Michael.  

I held him in my arms, gazing down to his tiny face wondering how this helpless person would survive.  

Years later, I knew.  His incredible laughter, witty remarks and sense of adventure grew with each passing  day.  I saw it in his eyes.  He’s going somewhere and I’m not talking about travelling.  

Although I was never opposed to him trying that too.

It wasn’t often he spoke up but when he did, it was fantastic.  A light came from his soul that made me a proud mom.  He found himself a bit more each day and after all, isn’t that what mum’s want?  Their child to find themselves a bit more each day?

My second son’s arrival tossed me a bit.  I knew the happiness my first son brought me, could this come close?  Could I at least be a better mum with these years of experience?  

When feeding him, I knew it.  Being only a few weeks old, he gazed up while I fed him.  He reached for my hair and started to mimic my facial expressions.  I was in awe of my second chance at being a mum and wouldn’t waste it on a thing.  

Not only did being a parent for the second time fill my heart with more joy that I ever thought it could hold but it helped me learn more about my first son at the same time.  

My second son wouldn’t hold back with expressions, both physical and emotional.  I’m not sure if this was more of a  challenge for me after my first one being so .. introverted.  

Both have been so completely breathtaking, so completely amazing that I forgot who I was and tossed my life into theirs.  

Now, almost 24 years later from the start of my adventure of being a mum I can honestly admit that they are going somewhere.  

Oddly enough, I love them more each day even if one is an adult already.  

I feel like a peacock, my feathers the boys.  I show them off proudly.  

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