Friday 7 November 2014

In Canada...

Not only are we a diverse set of people we help as much as possible.  At least, I’ve only seen the kindness in those around me.  Why?  Because it get’s so bloody cold here!  

All kidding aside, with the changes around us every year, with a 60 degree swing in temperature, we learn to adapt.  Perhaps that is what starts a mindset?  Who knows.  

One thing I know for sure is my children.  They are an extension of myself.  Not all of them, but a good part.  That, I am okay with.  I hope I've lead with kindness, treated others with compassion and have been the example I wish to see them become.  

No amount of anything, I mean ANYTHING can give me the joy and happiness they both have given me.  I am proud to say, when I look at them I am confident that they are good young men.  It didn’t just happen though, it’s been years of myself changing, adapting and learning with them.  Kinda like being Canadian.  

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