Tuesday 18 November 2014

Words from a friend

I’ve seen so many notes, posts and comments on why 
“she won’t leave” so I had to ask my friend
After she told me of the abuse she faced
Why do you stay?  Why won’t you walk away?
I knew when I looked into her eyes the answer 
it wasn’t as simple as I wanted to hear.

Not only do I have children that need me near, 
I cannot walk away because of these fears
He will fight me tooth and nail, I may lose them
he will take away the only joy i’ve known in my life
that has been without strings, without conditions
without my children, my life isn’t worth the breath
it isn’t worth the beat of my heart.

She continued to tell me something more.

No matter the fear I have, when I wake up daily
somehow I feel the small control I have helps my sanity
I may walk on egg shells, smile brightly when he looks
I may laugh when he tells a joke or forget the things he took
I may forgive his errors, I may not forget
for the moment I try, is the moment I take that chance 
to lose everything my life is based on.  

How can I look into my child’s eyes and say to them
no more family, no more laughter, no more home, no more chapters?

She tells me, she doesn’t need what he’s taken away, she’s already surrendered.
Her life outside the home is her sanity, her peace.  The children now in school
her time is her place.  He only takes what she can’t give, her love.

She tells me from time to time, what happens.  I won’t judge her.  I won’t press her to do anything more
than talk.  I will be here for her as a friend, with an ear, two arms to bend.  I’ll hold her close when she needs to talk, I’ll be her safety when she’s ready to walk.

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