Sunday 1 June 2014

Developing your values with empathy

I've quickly discovered that no matter what others think, my values may not be the same as theirs. 

It is okay to not think the same. 

After years of discovering who I am, I now know that as much as I disagree with others, I am starting to keep my thoughts without voicing them.

Why voice my opinion?  

Partly for my pride.  It's not right but it's the honest truth. The other reasons?  To show my children to learn what they live. Here's my scenario today. 

I overheard someone saying something racist. I almost stood up and asked that person to leave. What stopped me?  I don't know but they will know in the future going forward it will not be tolerated. No comments, no slang, nothing. I am tired of some one judging others based on the color of skin, the accent of their voice or their choices in life. 

My mum told me growing up something that has stuck to me and will forever define how I see everyone. 

"If you cut a person, will they not bleed the same"? 

I suppose, instead of anger, I should feel empathy for that person. That they are so narrow minded, they miss out on a greater life. 

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