Tuesday 6 May 2014

I am Canadian and I am thankful

5 am and I let my pup in.  Tiny white flakes are falling as I witness my breath escape my lips.   

It’s May 6, 2014.  I slowly scramble up the stairs still foggy in the head and for a brief moment I wonder why Mother Nature is so cruel.  

Then something else hit me.

I live in Canada.  There is no man coming to kidnap my friends daughter.  The morning silence is a good thing as the birds sing, no bombs are going off.  I am not in fear of a gun shot grazing over my head, nor am I concerned that one of my boys will be recruited to join a terrorist group.  I have not lost a child on a boat.  I can afford an opinion and voice it.  

I am in Canada where it is a good thing to be a woman.  We can vote, we can work, we have a voice.  I can walk freely without fear of harm.  I can work and I can play.  

I have access to social programs and education.  I have a roof over my head and food for my belly.  Clean clothing is accessible and we have  a family Dr. I can see when my youngest develops a cold.

I am Canadian and if Mother Nature wants to snow in the middle of August, go ahead as I am Canadian and am thankful.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very well said. Thanks for sharing your thoughts of gratitude.