Tuesday 13 May 2014

Difference between compromise and surrendering.

I figure that at an early age we start to compromise.... or is it surrender? 

For the love, acceptance and belief of others.  

In us.  

We strive as young people to be who our parents want us to be, we do better for teachers, coaches and even friends.  Which in theory can be a good thing.


Doing our best, whatever it is in for others isn’t the answer.  What do you know that you gave up to make others happier?  To give another vision and purpose to your life for another?

As an adult start off by being the example, the lead you want your children to be.  This will have pay backs like crazy.  For yourself then for the future with your kids.

Then have them try different things, ask questions and truly follow their lead.  If they aren’t interested it will show, if they excel at something you will know.  Now feed it.  Feed the passion.  Whatever it may be you will be building a fantastic future person.  

Not only will they be good at what you’ve nurtured, they will learn acceptance and compassion from your acts.  

Now years later, our children will know the difference between compromise and surrendering what they believe in.  You will have built the confidence in that child to be able to lead their way, create their own path and have faith in themselves without looking for love or acceptance from others.

As for you and I?  Let’s start from scratch and stop looking outward, start building that inner strength we have and stop listening to the little voice inside that keeps saying “you can’t” or “you won’t”. 

Because... you can and you will!

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