Friday 18 April 2014

One step ahead or one step behind, either way it’s all the same path

There was a day where thoughts passed in my head about could things get worse?  What else is going to be tossed my way where I might not be able to handle it and god forbid I crack and lose it?

This is where I started to change.  I started to see that no matter how hard, how sad things got perhaps I needed to look at things from a different angle.  Then it started.  Like a snow flake, turning into a layer of soft sticky snow, it got bigger, faster and I learnt how to work with what I had, in a positive way.  

Give me the grace of digression for a moment.

5 years old, I didn’t have play shoes.  Only church shoes.  Didn’t matter, my feet were tough enough and I could manage. Flash backs of childhood abuse, I wasn’t a victim, I was a survivor.  Badge of honour in my eyes.  Chest puffed out, I walked above the abusers. Then, a young mother separated and single.  Determined NOT to be a statistic.  

Without knowing it, my attitude started at a very young age.  Sure I had hick-up’s, stumbles and at times, face plants.  I have friends who can attest to these.  The key was that after each stumble, hick-up or face plant, I got back up.  

I learnt from the past and knew well enough not to repeat.  Fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice, shame on me.  

Now I see things from the other side.  Another learning curb.  I tell others that instead of looking at a situation from your perspective, for a moment put your feet in the others and try to see why they are where they are.  Have compassion for mistakes and accept we are all the same, on the exact road just some ahead of others, some a few steps behind.  In the end, we all go to the same place.  

I want you to leave this page knowing that happiness is a choice of perspective.  Before you close this know you are in complete control of yourself and at times, you don’t know it but you can change the outcome.  

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