Tuesday 1 April 2014

Creating doubt

It can be a strong emotion.  Letting others inside your head, your thoughts rolling deep within growing doubt in your heart.  It takes one comment to tear you down from a mountain top and when it does, you wonder how strong you truly were.  Responses to these can vary depending on who you are.

I’ll admit, I’m one who’s reacted on emotion but I know better.    

Use your gut instinct and that little voice inside your head that’s screaming the truth.  

"They are wrong, you are better than that”

Take a step outside yourself and look at the surroundings as to why you feel this way.  Perhaps the words of doubt have been deep within you and you are afraid to face them using whatever means to keep your own sanity.  

Remember, this is your life.  Don’t hand the keys over to someone who will create doubt.  Your belief is the strongest thing you’ll carry.

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