Sunday 25 August 2013

What about you...

What have you done today to put a smile on someone's face?  

Time with life can define us.  We can let it guide our path.  Right now, you sit and think about how someone hurt you.  How about turning that around?  Take that experience and face it.  

In reality, you are still breathing and walking.  You still have a heart beat and you will continue to do so until life otherwise decides differently.  

Why hold that anger, why let it control you.  You have an amazing soul that captures many and you hold it back due to someone doing something out of your control?  Stop that and take the experience for what it is!  Life.  

Take your life, laugh and poke fun at it.  You may just simply put a smile on other's faces with acceptance and perhaps, just a tiny chance they laugh at their misfortunes.  This path will take you down a better place.  It's called "confidence".  You WILL start to believe in yourself, you will start letting go when you see how small that anger has in your heart.  You will change.

Happiness is seeing the good in yourself and believing.

Wednesday 21 August 2013


Alright, I've figured it out.  My head and heart come out here in words.  At least with the delete button I can change the outcome of them.  

I can tell you to stand on your feet, hold your head high and lean forward.  Take that first step.  Even if it's your last, you took it!  

Can you face your reflection and say you are okay?  Do it, believe it and don't sweat it.  Don't sweat the comments, the looks the glares.  Face your fears because YOU are the only one who give you the value to do so.  

Tuesday 20 August 2013


Daily I am reminded of where I came from with the tiny struggles. I speak of my fears often and never know why. I say I can over come and break out but I have to be honest and that is a big fear in itself. Self doubt. It breaks me most days. 

I can see someone else struggle and reach out to help but this is to my benefit. I don't look back when searching for the answers. Is it a selfish thing or is it being kind to not think of healing myself?  

Empathy, compassion and honesty are feelings and actions I wear on my sleeve and that isn't safe. If that's the case then what do I fear?  Rejection and non acceptance. How about losing my value?  Where does one find their value?  

We all feel these and don't want to admit it. Why?  Fear of rejection. Why?  Fear those out there don't have the compassion. Lets take a step back and say, "it's okay and there is no right or wrong". Plain and simple. 

That's being honest. 

Drive safe and do something kind for some one today. 

Saturday 17 August 2013


I have to admit, when things are tough we put our heads in the sand and deny what's clearly facing us daily.  Fear controls how we choose the paths.  Being forced into situations makes us choose the paths quicker but being set in ones ways accepting what life has handed is another.  

I refuse to let my past decide who I am today.  I am afraid of taking a change in roads due to the fear of the unknown.  I spent time with my mum over seas and this gave me insight.  Were my choices years ago due to fear?  Where my head was 20 years ago isn't anywhere the same as it is today.  

I wake each morning and do the same thing, over and over and over again.  I remind myself of my abilities I have regardless of them being physical or not.  That brings me to the questions of why do I keep thanking rather than pushing the envelope, trying to seek what's in my heart?  

Do you ask yourselves these same questions?  If you could change things, would you?