Sunday, 7 April 2013

2013 already.  Where has time taken us?  As far as I'm concerned, too far into the future.  My grandmum has passed.  Arthur jr. has become taller than me.  Michael is in a wonderful relationship.  Some days are harder than others.    

Life does not stop for anyone and time takes us into the future without choice.  I suppose we have to embrace change regardless of the outcome.  

The snow is still here however spring is around the corner and everything is itching to bloom.  I am grateful for the return of warmth and lazy days.  

Being around friends with different outlooks supports my own.  I've learned that it's OKAY to think differently than me.  Yes, that's an admission, I'm not always right.  I love life, learning and trying to accept.  I've found out that judging others is the same as throwing a rock from a glass house.  Shame on my younger self.  *as I laugh at myself daily now*

Life is simply a journey in which we are given the gift to live, learn and grow.  We cannot choose when it's over but we can choose how we live it.  

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