Friday 1 June 2012

Happiness is...

It's been a few months and quite a bit is changing.  Money doesn't buy you happiness but can sure make things in life seem easier.

My oldest has returned to work after his first part of school.  He will be a great cook.  It sure seems natural to him.  I hope one day he shares his love with another who understands him well.  He's been talking about moving out and now that he's gained his independence with driving, who knows where he will go. I hope he reaches the "stars".

My youngest is a warrior.  Now trying out a new sport he works so hard at everything.  School is becoming a full time and fun time present, I couldn't be more proud.  He's also about to embark on Jr. High school!  What life will bring him... I am excited to see.

I constantly ask myself ... "what have I done in this world to make a difference"?  My answer is, "I have 2 beautiful, kind, hard working & loving boys"

I am thankful to my mother and father for teaching me all that I am and more.  I hold my head high and only have a few regrets.

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