Sunday 24 June 2012

Another day in the life of....

Who know's which life you'll be reading about next in the news or hearing about from a friend.  Life goes on, life changes.  We all know that, some of us simply choose to keep our heads in the sand.

Each week seems to mimic the last.  Work, play rest.  So on and so forth.  As any parent would say: "I wish I could stop the hands of time".  they grow up so fast and before you know it, you no longer have children running under your feet, you have young adults telling you of the changes that are about to come.  * I roll my eyes ... I was there once.

If I take a moment to reflect on the past few years, almost every moment brings a smile.  Come to think of it... the past 40 bring a smile.

Why wouldn't a person's life bring a smile?  Why do we tend to reflect and think.. if I could change something it would be..

Let's face it, we all have it good.  If you are reading this, you have eyes, you've been educated, you have a computer which equates to having some spending money and the time in your life to relax.  I would say that's good.  I've seen though that most people would pick up a rock and say "that's in my way" chucking it as far off their path as possible.  What we need to start doing is changing our thoughts and saying or thinking "that's a unique rock, it would look great in my yard" placing it in our pocket.

I've started a challenge on Facebook.  For the next 30 days, post something positive in your life and what you are thankful for.  It's day 11 (actually day 12 but I missed one). and my attitude is changing.  I'm starting to feel.. better.  I was angry.  Angry at others for hurting people close to me.  Angry at Cancer, pain & heartache.  I saw what I was turning into and I didn't like it so I'm making a change and I'm letting others know about it.

Some may not understand and choose to toss the idea out of their way like the rock.  Some are picking up the idea and putting it in their back pocket.

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