Thursday 19 January 2012

Nothing for Granted

I was fortunate enough to know my mothers parents.  Enough to go over for the occasional tea and visit.  My grandfather was a stiff but happy man, my grandmother is (knocking on wood) a soft hearted, easy to laugh and willing to teach woman.  I love them both dearly even if one is gone, I still love them.  It seemed no matter what, if you needed something they were there for you.  For each and every one of their grandchildren.  All we had to do was ask.  Both my parents are alive as well.  My mother is simply a mirror image of my grandmother.  Just a bit quirky but exactly the same.

My mother raised (or help raise) 7 children and did emergency fostering for 10 years.  She've volunteered at several places.  She LOVES her grandchildren so much it drives some of us crazy.... but she loves them. She would fight for each and everyone one of us even if it breaks her.  She took care of her parents until she couldn't.

I can say now that I've been blessed with a great family.  Regardless of the hardships the good out weighs the bad 10 to 1.  Even when we were down and out as children, we always were taught to see the bright side of things.  To make the most of what we had and to not complain about what we didn't.  I thank my mum each and every day in my heart for those lessons she taught me.  I don't know if she knows it yet but she's given me the richest childhood anyone could have been given.

So now... she's had a heart attack.  Oh she's okay.  In fact, she's better than okay.  I just roll my eyes and thank god she's okay.  I have NO idea what i'd do without her.  I know today and will forever keep it in my heart that I will never take anything for granted again.  Thanks mum for another lesson.  I love you.

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