Friday 25 September 2020

Choose your energy

 What life do you want to live today?

If I were to ask you that face to face, could you be honest enough to tell me and then do it?  

Would you want to give some kindness on to another in need?  Put others first when you can?  Would you lend a hand when you see the opportunity?  

Most of us, see the world through our personal lens, which is okay.  

With the questions I asked you to start off with, I want you to take a moment to reflect on how life has shaped you and how you can make a difference on another’s.  Here are some examples.

A mum and her young son leave a life full of abuse, terror and uncertainty.  They choose to try and make a change in their lives, all the while they make changes in others to keep their minds still.  By going out to help the less fortunate.

You see, no matter how difficult life was, they were both aware that the world could be more difficult for another.  They made a choice that egg shells were no longer worth walking on and that constantly trying to choose their words was more difficult than looking over their shoulders.  They knew that making their path moving forward, as difficult as it may be, will be easier than all of that.  They also choose to not be defined and knew their light was brighter than anything that could put it out.  

You are not defined by anything other than you energy

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