Sunday 1 April 2018

Having faith

In a world that was filled with darkness and fear, I found myself in the brightest of lights, conquering my biggest doubts without being aware, being alone. 

Pulling from the quote by Martin Luther King, "Faith is when you take the first step even when you don't see the staircase." 

I gained faith after taking that first step.

A reference for myself back a few years ago when I left a life I could not longer be part of.  My thoughts, dreams, values and priorities were not in line and it was slowly killing me.  I had tried, on several occasions to resolve the issues and came face to face with deeper ones I had no control over.

While in the midst of doing this, I discovered who I was, more so, who I was becoming.  

Before I left, I acknowledged feeling lonely while surrounded by others.  This not only hurt my soul, it in fact, almost devastated it.  However, after leaving and being separated from everyone, I learnt about the power to believe in myself and no longer felt alone even if I was. 

I gained strength by facing it head on.

Know that your journey at this moment may seem insurmountable and an unwise path, however, when you look back, the lessons you learnt will be invaluable.  Keep your tool chest open to the opportunities that will help you build so that the next challenge you face, you will be better prepared, your tool box fuller and the confidence from the past that you've done it with the faith in yourself you are strong enough to do it again.

Remember, being alone and feeling lonely are two different things. 

"The path we walk is unknown until we look back to see how far we've come."

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