Tuesday 23 January 2018

No "I" in team

I was finding it difficult to define a relationship after being in one for almost 20 years.  Trust me when I say, trying to reestablish the right perspective can be difficult.  At times, running away appears easier when things get tough.  Although this is not truly the best answer, to some it's what may work. 

These past few weeks in my new life was a difficult chapter to say the least.  Struggling with a traveling issue and learning how to be a team under stress was something we did quickly, effectively and in the end, successfully.  There wasn't time to slowly make plans, no safety contingents and not many people we had in close proximity to help guide us in the right direction.  We did research with limited resources and made the best of what we had.  

In the end, we averted something that could have been much worse.  Taking a deep breath, safely back at home in the comfort of friends and family we have taken the moment to reflect.  

I am in awe.  

This is what it means to be in a partnership.  Not only did I depend on him, but he, on me.  We pulled our best resources out and obtained the ideal result with the outcome desired.  

He made me feel safe, loved and gave me the opportunity to do what we needed to do together.  We communicated, trusted and developed something I've never had in my entire life.  I've learnt to follow when it was necessary, was trusted when I needed to lead.  We define "us" in the moment we needed to.  

I watch team figure skating and now understand the level of trust and faith they need to have in the other.  To let yourself be thrown or to trust the catch.  - I know this is a segway but it's the only way I can describe things now.  He's simply my partner and that's all I can ask.  

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