Sunday 31 December 2017

What I wish for you in 2018

I've seen many comments on social media, wishing loved ones a Happy New Year or wishing that perhaps the New Year will bring them something better than what has passed.  Perhaps the hardships are ones that have almost broken you, moments that have made you question your own personal abilities or even your faith.  (whichever that may be in).  

I can't say I wasn't with you on a similar journey.  Learning, becoming and testing.  Along with those, doubt had played a big role for my path.  Although it was there, at times I listened and at times, I didn't.  I can't tell you, which were good or bad outcomes however, I do know now, which I should have listen to and why.  

Trying to decipher between fear and your gut is a hard emotion to formulate however over time while learning to trust your gut and toss away fear, this will become easier.  

That all being said, experiences are one of the most valuable moments in our lives.  We cannot put a price on them, they cannot be purchased nor can they be taken away.

Turn this around..

We see on social media, another wishing a Happy New Year or reflecting on how the past year has brought us on some amazing journeys.  365 days of experiences and moments in which we were taught how to trust, have faith and live in the moment, as far from fear as possible but being aware with our gut.  

That's how I'll move forward.  I will keep on learning, becoming and accepting my choices.  

I wish you all the best for the upcoming year.  To live in the moment, be at peace with each and to learn.  

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