Saturday 31 December 2016

Live your most authentic life starting today

2016 came and went like a breath of air.  

A big, deep down, lung filling, and ever so present breath of fresh air.  One that, when you exhale slowly makes you feel fresh and new.  This is what it was for us. 

I made some drastic changes in 2016 without any plans or idea of how it would turn out.  For the first time, I took a step, when I didn't see where I was going.  It was based on faith.  

Once I discovered that I no longer needed a plan and to trust in faith, I started to believe I could do something more than what I thought possible.  

Now a year later, after a deep, lung clearing, life changing breath I am not exactly where I imagined I'd be, but better.  

Perhaps, just perhaps when we learn to let go of the stigma which is built into society that success is defined by what others see, we learn to be happier, live a  more fulfilled life and decide to put value into something that will sustain us much further than we ever imagined.  

I challenge you this year to make some changes that do not involve obtaining a thing.  Perhaps, being in the service of another.  Putting your wants and desires far, far back and making a choice to change.  If possible, you may find that one small act, the happiness you are so desperately searching for, will find you.  

Happy New Year my friends.  May you discover love, happiness and live the most authentic life you have ever lived.

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