Saturday 10 October 2015

Be the crazy, I'll join you

I think some days, how things can work with our lives.  Those who cross paths with us, those who leave and the ones who stay.  Take a moment to look back at the last few years. What happened when then entered?  Was it to put a smile on your face for a moment, to give you a boost of confidence when you felt down?  Each person that crosses your life will have purpose but it may not be until after that you see it.  

The key in life for this is to not take anything for granted.  Love each moment you've been given, with those around you.  Even if it's not that great, even if the moment creates an emotion other than warmth and happiness, take it and grow from it.  You'll find the feeling of greatness when you do.  You will stop getting angry at the little things, you will stop taking in bad moments and start letting them go.  

Today, I was in a grocery store where they needed to see my drivers licence.  I did have the fortune to smile in the photo (although you aren't allowed to) but thought it made me look like I just woke from a nap with a good dream.. you know that smile.  

Well, I asked her to not look at the photo and she reacted in shock after seeing it.  I started to panic thinking "oh no, this can't be good".  She proceeded to ask where I had the photo taken, that she's never seen one with a smile.  I laughed at her and she then took it around to show others!  I am quite sure my face was as red as a ripe tomato but I laughed.  I laughed so hard, the family behind me in line started to laugh.  Just before then, I was doubting something and went into the store with a bit of a heavy heart.  I left the store a different person.  That woman behind the counter was here today to change my perception, my mood and put a smile on my face.  

Don't discount every moment in your life.  Take it in.  Live it.  We only get to do this once.  Be the crazy that laughs with me, even at me.  I'll be okay with it.  

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