Wednesday 12 August 2015

Ink to paper

Each day I want to put words here, as if ink to paper I have thoughts that run through my head.  I'll admit sometimes they are words to myself.  Encouragement I need to hear, fears I have and dreams I want to share. 

I know you are the same as I am.  We all need that positive little voice to smack the dickens out of the one that tells us otherwise.  You will doubt yourself along this journey but it will be okay.

I'll telling you this, not myself.  I'll share that I've learnt it WILL be okay.  Life happens, it may be tough at times but it will be just fine.  Trust in yourself, no matter what someone else said.  Believe in your heart, your eyes and mostly, your mind.  

No matter your size, your shape you are beautiful.

No matter your education, you are smart.

No matter what you did 10 years ago, you are kind.

No matter what they told you, you are important.

Each day, take a moment and write something you love about yourself.  Repeat it.  Look at your reflection in the mirror and say it out loud  Take ink to paper and write it over and over again until it is in you, until it is part of you.  Know that you are stronger than you thought.  

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