Friday 27 February 2015

Take your moment in life to breathe

In the process of living life, we tend to lose sight of ourselves. 

I tend to talk about personal matters as I know, you and I... we are the same.  Struggles, happiness and life events. 

I've noticed that each day goes a bit quicker, the weeks fall upon themselves into each month and before I know it, another year has passed.  I wonder, like you, where did time go?

We have become an overly focused society.  Focused on goals, objectives and constantly running from our fears.  They can be ones that reflect our childhood or situations we may be in. 

Regardless, it certainly makes our lives fly by quicker than we anticipate.

It's Friday afternoon for me and I've noticed that February came and went in what feels like a wink. 

Let's reminder ourselves to slow down. 

Take a moment to breathe.

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