Friday 6 June 2014

What I consider Pride week

Through no choice of my own, I was born a girl.  I’ve come to know that I enjoy being with the opposite sex.  This use to be thought of as the majority and the norm.  

Things have changed so much over the past 100 years.  For instance, people of any gender or nationality became people, could vote, have rights.  

Marriages that were once not acceptable are now part of life, opening our minds to discovering what others can offer.  Regardless of where we come from, who we are and where we want to be is leaving me speechless.  This isn’t about making a choice but accepting who we all are.

I am a proud friend of so many men & women that are making change in this City, Country & World.  I am part of who they are regardless of who I am, we are all human.  My friends accept me as I am and what I’ve done in this life.

I will continue to stand up to those who voice an opinion against oppression and ignorance.  I will continue to stand up for what I feel is right as I am proud to call myself their friend.  Pride week is not only celebrating the diversity of sexual differences, it is celebrating pride of evolution.  

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