Saturday 17 May 2014

Where do you see it?

Kindness shows in many forms. It is up to us to see it. 

These past few days I took a moment for someone else.  I knew my friend had been through many tough situations and although I had been there for her over the phone or with the help of Facebook I knew she needed more. 

It didn't take more than a split second and the flight was booked. I only did what I felt was right. 

Now a few days later and the issues resolved, she is heading home as I await my return flight. While I was here though this is what I experienced. 

Through her tough times, she bent an ear for me. The place I stayed at wasn't exactly a 3 star hotel, more of a warm bed and a roof that granted me safety. I stayed with my friend as I am the same. No more, no less. 

I met some kind people in the process, May, being the owner of the home I stayed in, all the people that helped my friend and how 


seemed to help her find the path home. 

Right now, I'm sitting at the table, looking outside the window and have an overwhelming feeling of gratitude towards those who showed their acts of kindness when it was desperately needed by someone I know that gives her heart and soul to others. 

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