Wednesday 30 April 2014

How easy is it to make a little change

My daily challenge isn’t something you would expect.  

Open your mind to others perspective.

Simple as that.

A child would cry out, scream at their mum or dad.  I figured someone must be abusing them.  

Little would I know, that child wanted candy and the parent was trying to teach them sometimes no is an answer.

A teen walking down the street looking rough.  Not clean kept and carried a scowl on their face.  I would think to myself, “stay clear”!  

Little would I know they left an abusive home to what they felt was a safer place.  The streets.

A woman, quiet and never getting involved.  I would think she was perhaps conceited and above others... 

Little would I know, she was abused and controlled.  

Now, 20 some years later, I offer patience to a parent, guidance to a teen, compassion to a stranger.  I challenge you to make a little change in your perspective any opportunity you have.  

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