Wednesday 12 March 2014

Personal opinions

Let's say for this very moment someone you are with said something you that disagree with.  It's not your view or even standards.  Most of us have been in that situation.  It's unpleasant and sometimes it makes you feel upset. 

Now for a split second you stop thinking about your position and start thinking about the others point of view.  Ask yourself why do they think that way, even better what in their life caused them to have their perspective?  If you are able to do this, you have compassion.  You can separate your feelings from the issue and just try to understand their thoughts. 

I think this is a common mistake.  Most of us take opinions personal.  

Asking ourselves some important questions.  Who, what and why.  You can even try this with your kids.  Before saying 'no', ask yourself those 3 questions.  You can tell them you need to think about it.  The beauty of trying this with kids is that you also teach them qualities that are not a lesson in a book or on the internet. You also show them something amazing by example. 

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